Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

It's been quite a holiday for our family! Just before Christmas break from school/work, Cameron was Jack Frost in his school play. He loved the hat that I made for him...Jack Frost attire is totally up for interpretation so we got creative! :-) Katey enjoyed being in the adult Christmas cantata at church...Katey and Robert both had solos. Christmas morning was super sweet! The kids were all tired from the festivities with family (and blizzard) the night before. They loved their can see the excitement on Cameron's face when he opened his Nintendo DS...he was SO surprised! Each of the kids chose a Willow Tree figurine to give to me...they picked perfect ones to represent each of them. I LOVE my new figurines! Of course, everyone has had a blast in all of the snow! I think we are heading back to grandma and grandpas maybe tomorrow for more sledding fun!

Now we look toward the new year! I heard something as I was flipping channels the other day on TV and it really struck I've chosen it as my "theme" for 2010. This year I want to strive for EXCELLENCE not perfection!

As for 2010...we are optimistic that Robert will have a new, great job very soon. He is following a lot of great leads right now. Katey and Cameron will be playing basketball through the Upward program at our church. Katey will be busy with school activities and 4-H. Cameron will also be busy with school activities and Cub Scouts. I spoke with Collin's developmental pediatrician today and he recommended that we look into Special Olympics or YMCA Challengers special needs programs for Collin. There is also a possible option of a special needs martial arts program in Overland Park that I will look into very soon. So...we will be busy, but having fun as we explore all of these new things!

Best wishes and God Bless each of you during this new year! I challenge YOU to strive for EXCELLENCE, not perfection!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I just posted a picture of Katya to the the pink dress. Money can also be donated to her fund, the same way as for Jasmine. We are praying for a family to rescue these sweet little ones!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Help bring her home!

Isn't she precious? I would like to ask you to donate to her fund so that someone can bring her home! Look at that smile! You can find her by using the above link, go the the "girls" section, scroll down to Yasmine. I just placed a small amount in her fund to get it going. Every little bit will help! **You need to specify that your donation is for "Yasmine-other angel" so it will go into her fund!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Special Angels

I have always had such a special love for special needs children. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that God would place one in our home, but He did...and we are forever grateful! Collin has brought such joy, love, and understanding to our family! We still have a special love for special children, so we have decided to pray children home. There are children around the world in orphanages who end up bedridden and institutionalized and left without hope. Several months ago we committed to praying for 2 children, Annie and Allen. Well, Annie and Allen (now named Sophie and Ben) are now safely on American soil with their new family as of this week. Our family rejoices with this family as they begin this new journey! It has been wonderful for our children to see their prayers answered. They have taken a great deal of interest in these precious children.

We will continue to pray for Sophie and Ben and their family as they adjust, but we have also decided to pray two more little ones home. Yasmine and Katya are both just a little younger than Collin. Yasmine has mild/moderate cerebral palsy and just looks like "sunshine"! Katya has a head malformation that could be repaired with surgery (possibly the same surgery that we once thought Collin might need). Katya is reported to be very bright and healthy. I will post photos soon! Though we can't go personally and bring these little ones home right now, God can certainly place them in a loving home somewhere in the world. Through prayer, we want to be a part of that.

Money can also be donated specifically in these children's adoption funds. If you go to Reece's Rainbow, click on "other special angels," then go to the will find Yasmine and Katya. You can donate to their fund through paypal.

You can also partner with us in praying for Yasmine and Katya. OR you can choose two children that your family would like to pray for!

Have a great's almost here!

Lots of Love From,
The Hinds Family

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Good Life!

Well, we are busy at our house! Right now we have 2 down with sickness...Robert and Cameron. Hopefully they are going to get over this quickly. Cameron is really turning the corner today!

Robert has an informational interview with a company on Monday...he really needs to be well! Since finishing his resume last week, he has been working to follow up on many leads. We are optimistic that at least one of them will lead somewhere great! :-)

I am enjoying my return back to work. Got my first paycheck...that was fun! :-) The pace has really picked up, but it is manageable. The true test will be after Robert goes back to work. I'll be flying solo every morning and shuttling the kids to school and daycare very early. The kids are getting up quite early on their own, so hopefully it won't be too big of a change for any of us. I also just started a new Beth Moore Bible study...those keep me so focused! I love Beth Moore!

Katey has chosen to play the saxophone this year. She has considered switching to flute, but for now she is staying with the saxophone. She is also going to be a part of 4-H again this year. She missed it last year, and never stopped talking about it so we decided to join again. Her other activity for the year will be Upward basketball at our church this winter. She really caught on well last year! She is really growing up, and I am enjoying the view as I watch her blossom into such a great young lady.

Cameron is happy about 2nd grade. This child is happy about just about everything! What a joy he is in our home! Cam (he is called Cam at school now...such a big boy) is really looking forward to having his teacher return to school. His teacher and his wife adopted a new baby, and he is the one who is staying home for several weeks. Cam had Mr. Brumet in kindergarten and was so thrilled that he moved up to 2nd grade...and Cam got him again! YEAH! Cameron has recently joined Cub Scouts. He has already enjoyed a few outings and is really thinking it is great. Cameron will also play Upward basketball at church this winter.

Collin seems to be enjoying kindergarten. He is gaining more skills, and moving forward. He seems to have the best immune system in the house...YEAH! We are thankful that he has been so healthy and we pray that it stays that way! We are going to continue to work with Collin on his letters, shapes, writing, etc. He is a bit young for the additional activities so he is going to enjoy tagging along and having snacks at big brother and big sister's basketball games! He really looks forward to the snack bar! :-)

Life is good, even when things are not going as we have planned! God is very good to us, and we look forward to what is to come!

Have a wonderful fall!
Lots of love from the Hinds family!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Walking in Truth

A friend from church took this photo for me and we figured out how to add the verse. This has been an idea of mine for a long time!

Monday, July 13, 2009

July 4

We had a relaxing and safe July 4th weekend this year! As you can tell from the pictures...Cameron LOVES this holiday! It rates right up there near Christmas for him! Katey really enjoys the fireworks too. Collin...well...he would just rather go to bed! He was in bed quite early and just wasn't so into the noise and fire! Our town moved the fireworks display to the new area near the river, so unfortunately we were not able to see much. Robert and the kids walked down the road a little ways so they could see the display better. I stayed home with a sleeping Collin. At least next year we'll know where to go to see the fireworks. We used to watch them from our backyard...we will really miss that!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Grabbing Buttons?

Can someone tell me how to grab a button from someone's blog and put it on mine? I know that Kerry knows how to do have lots of them! Thanks for helping me out!

Friday, June 5, 2009

More great news!

I had not updated yet, but our family was praying for not just Annie but also a little boy named Allen. Annie and Allen both have similar challenges regarding their medical conditions. The same family that is adopting Annie has also decided to adopt Allen too! We are so happy that God is giving these children a family and a chance at a wonderful life in America! Our prayers are answered! We will keep praying them home though until they actually arrive will probably be a little while before things are all finalized!

Katey...nearly in heaven!

A good friend of ours has been willing to have Katey come to her house and ride her horse. She is a talented rider and is teaching Katey all about the care of horses as well as letting her have a lot of time on horseback! This is like a dream come true for Katey! Thank you, Madison!!!!

Fire Department Fun Day

We went to the Overland Park Fire Fighters family fun day for special needs children and their families a few weeks ago. We had a great time! We went last year too. We got to go way up high on the ladder in a was a little high for me, but it was really neat! We rode in a fire truck, saw fire demonstrations, etc. It was a great time! Collin really loved the clowns, and they loved him...they gathered for a picture!


This is a little out of order, but these are the Easter outfits. Katey found her dress and just loved it...we've never had a red Easter dress so I was wondering how I was going to coordinate with the boys's outfits. It ended up working out very nicely! I only have a limited amount of time to get to coordinate their outfits before they are too old and decide that is just "not cool" anymore!

Airplane Ride!

Katey won an airplane ride through a Sunday School contest. She got to fly over our house, her school, church, etc. She even got to take the "wheel!" Robert and Cameron went with her...Collin and I watched them take off and land from the ground. It was really a great experience! The pilot was wonderful and explained a little bit about how the airplane is able to fly. It was a little Piper, 4 seat airplane.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

God Is Good!

We have been praying for a little girl named, Annie, who is in an orphanage in Russia. We've been "praying her home" for several months. She now has a family who is in the process of adopting her! I'm so thankful that my children are witnessing this answer to their prayer! I can hardly wait to tell them this wonderful news! Annie will have a mom and dad and brothers and sisters to love her!